Glasgow / London based blogger - events, travel, music and sport


Movies, Movies, Movies!

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love a good movie. I’m a fan of most genre’s (with the exception of horror.. I do not enjoy paying to be terrified!) and I try to go to the cinema as much as I possibly can. The excitement surrounding Star Wars at the end of 2015 has proven that cinema can still be amazing and magical for all ages all across the world.

As I write this, I have already saw 2 movies in 2016 at my local cinema. Daddy’s Home was the first - with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg and it was as stupid and funny as you could hope for. I love this kind of movie because you can watch it without having to think or analyse too much, have a few laughs and always leave feeling happy! The second was Joy with Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro. I have to say I was very much looking forward to seeing this film, as I loved Silver Linings Playbook, but I left feeling slightly underwhelmed and disappointed. The story was meant to be inspiring and the message was to never give up, however it was all a bit bland and didn’t quite have the big hallelujah moment I was hoping for. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad movie, I just think my expectations were a little too high. Having said this Jennifer Lawrence, aka J Law, aka Queen of the screen, was -  as always - the best thing about the whole movie, the girl can do no wrong in my opinion and I want her to be my best friend.  (J Law if you’re reading this let’s hang out.. no? ok..)

I should mention that I have never studied film nor do I know anything at all about how to make a film…all I know is I love watching them and they make me happy! With so many amazing films coming out in 2016 I will keep you updated on my favourites and I would love to hear what you think of this year’s releases.

The reason I can see so many films without losing a fortune is because I have a Cineworld Unlimited card. It’s just under £17 a month but you can see as many films as you want – I would highly recommend getting one of these cards if you go to a lot of movies, it really is worth it. Even if you only go twice you’ve already made your money back. This of course is only handy if your local cinema is a Cineworld like mine! (I wasn't paid to say this at all, I just think it's really good value for money for movie lovers)

There are also loyalty cards and similar schemes with other cinemas and there is of course the Meerkat Movie code which you can use if you buy insurance from Compare The Market -  this gives you 2 for 1 tickets on a Tuesday or Wednesday at most UK cinemas (and coincidentally can be used with a Cineworld Unlimited Card meaning your guest can actually get in for free!). A good tip is to buy something cheap like holiday insurance for a one off trip – then you still qualify for the 2 for 1 code for the whole year! ( /
As you can see it's well used!

Like I said I am looking forward to all the movies I will see in 2016 and would love to hear your suggestions and reviews of which were your favourites. What I will try to do this year (which I didn’t do last year and am very annoyed at myself!) is to keep a list of every film I saw in 2016 so at the end of the year I can make a list of my top 10.

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