Hi there,
Thank you for reading my blog. I am a young events professional, originally from Glasgow and now based (most of the time) in London. I started this blog to share my experiences and thing's I've learned whilst working on or attending all kinds of events.
I love to work and I love to travel, to date I have worked on events all over the world, mainly in large international sporting events and I hope to build a long and successful career in the industry. My other passions include film, music, television and theatre so events involving these are a bonus!
If there is anything you'd like to read on my blog or have any questions be sure to contact me, I'll be happy to hear your thoughts and comments. I am always looking for new events to either blog about or to work on so if you'd like me to attend/work your event please contact me at withjulez@gmail.com
Thank you!
Julez x
Twitter - @withjulez
Instagram - juliesimpson22
Snapchat - juliesimpson22
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