Glasgow / London based blogger - events, travel, music and sport


Festival Season 2016!

FESTIVAL SEASON IS BACK! This is one of my favourite times of the year! Sun (hopefully), music, friends and alcohol – what more could you possibly want!?

Now I am by no means the camping sort of person, but invite me to a festival and I am there in a heartbeat. The only festival I have camped the full 4 days at is T in The Park in Scotland, which credit where it’s due is a fantastic event and every year I've had the best time. Getting lost at 3am in a sea of tents is a skill which, well I never really use any other time but it's still a skill, OK!? I didn’t go last year but am hoping to return even if just for a day this year – I mean Red Hot Chilli Peppers, come on!

Yes you get roughly 0 hours sleep, you switch between freezing and roasting about 6 times a night and the toilets are quite frankly disgusting, but for some reason you keep going back! Living on burger vans and cheap alcohol for 3 days and either getting completely sunburnt or ending up like a drowned rat is all part of the fun.

I’m not really interested in festival fashion, I mean is there really a way to make wellies glamorous!? Stick on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, sunglasses and you're good to go, trust me a few hours in no one even cares what you are wearing! I am more interested in having a great time with my friends, in a field, listening to some amazing tunes instead of worrying about which dress to wear or my shoes getting dirty.

This year I am lucky enough to be braving the big one, Glastonbury, which if recent weather reports are anything to go by will be a muddy delight. I’ve got my tent ready, my poncho packed and my liver .. well my liver doesn’t know what’s about to hit it but I genuinely can’t wait. It’s a shame that there a lot of stage clashes for the bands I want to see but I’m sure I will have the best time. Be sure to check back to see if I survived! 

One day I’ll be lucky enough to hit up sunny Coachella, Benicassim or even just rent a camper van for a UK festival but until I make my millions and that happens it’s tent life for me and I can't wait! 

I'll be updating my adventures on Snapchat so make sure to add me - juliesimpson22

Anyone going to Glastonbury, T in the Park or any other festivals this year, let me know in the comments!


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