Glasgow / London based blogger - events, travel, music and sport


Working in events : How I was inspired by London 2012

Yesterday I decided to take a walk around the Olympic Park in London and it reminded me how much I was inspired by London 2012, in fact it's probably the reason I work in events today!

I was in my final year of University in 2012 when Olympic fever hit the UK, I was living in Glasgow and had dreams of working in Marketing or HR (weird how things change!). I remember watching as the preparations took place and the Games Makers started to wear their uniforms and I was just so unbelievably jealous that I wasn't involved. I had never even thought of working in events before and hadn't paid much attention in the lead up to the Olympics, despite it being the biggest event in the world.. in fact I didn't even apply for tickets!

It therefore came as a huge surprise to me when London 2012 affected me in a way in which I could never have imagined. Suddenly I was interested in sport, interested in events and most importantly incredibly proud and inspired seeing the whole of the UK pull together to put on an unforgettable event. I remember watching the opening ceremony is awe, being so happy for medal winning athletes who's sports I had never even watched before and how I was so excited to be British, something which I had never really thought about before.

Needless to say when the opportunity to join the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth games came up shortly after London 2012 had finished I jumped at the chance. I had no experience in events but was lucky enough to get on the graduate scheme and the rest is history as they say! It still amazes me how much hard work and dedication goes into putting on an event of that scale and I am so proud that most of my work colleagues and friends I have met through various events were part of London 2012. I have now been very lucky to work on some fantastic events all around the world, but I will always be so thankful for London 2012 as I honestly have no idea what i would be doing now if it hadn't inspired me in the way it did. 

I can only hope that some of the events I work on have the same effect on people, leaving behind a legacy that inspires a generation which may be through taking up a new sport or like me completely altering the vision I had for my career. I am very excited to see how the next host city, Rio 2016, compares to what was described as the Best Games Ever. 


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