Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of attending Christina Bianco’s UK tour of her show ‘Me, Myself and Everyone Else’ at the Mitchell Theatre in
Now if you don’t know who Christina Bianco is (where have
you been hiding!?) then check her out on Youtube – she only has over 20 millions views!
Christina is an American musical impressionist/comedian and a damn good singer
in her own right. She’s also very small which coincidentally plays a big part
in the show!
The show was a musical treat from start to finish, with some cracking comedy thrown in for good measure. In fact,
the guy next to me laughed so hard during a television themed skit that his
wine came out his nose - true story. Stay classy Glasgow! From Dolly Parton to Adele
to Celine Dion and everyone in between, Christina covered it.
Highlights of the show included her A-Z of musical
impressions, her famous dramatic reading of Barbara Streisand’s interior design
book (has to be seen to be believed!) and a fantastic duet with Scottish singer
Jai MacDowell. However, in typical Glaswegian style, the biggest laugh of the
evening came from Christina’s impression of Shirley Basset singing the classic
– ‘You canny shove yer granny off a bus’. Only in Scotland. Needless to say it
went down a treat with the audience, which included none other than the
infamous Scottish singer Susan Boyle aka Subo.
How Christina remembers all the words/dialogue/impressions
is beyond me – if you want to see real talent and laugh until you cry get
yourself to Christina’s tour! Standing ovations all round and even my
notoriously hard to please grandmother had a ball so you know it must be good….
Find her on twitter at - @XtinaBianco1